A microbrew on draft for me is equivalent to my wife’s obsession with fountain Coke.
It’s harrrrrd for me to pass up.
As a Christian, it’s always been a fine line between recreational drinking and drinking to get drunk.
Raised as a Southern Baptist, it was always taboo to drink anything. And you definitely didn’t drink in public.
I can remember playing in a few golf scrambles with Baptists and to drink a beer they would pour it into a styrofoam cup so nobody would know.
I thought that was rather silly, but in the same breath I didn’t drink in front of my father until I was 28 years old. And that was only because it was my going away party before I was deployed to Iraq.
Even though I was 28 years old, 2 years into my career, recently married and getting ready to deploy to a combat zone, I was still extremely nervous to drink in front of him.
Ironically (and hypocritically), I started the night drinking out of a styrofoam cup.
Drinking With Kids
Although I do drink in front of my kids, I made a vow to myself that they would never see me drunk. I had one incident where my oldest son did and I felt horrible (I share more of the details in the podcast).
After that incident I vowed that I would never have a repeat of that.
House Party
This past 4th of July we had several friends over to celebrate Independence Day. I knew I would have some drinks and I looked forward to hanging with good friends and having a good time.
Well, I had such a good time that I passed out before midnight.
Why exactly? Because I drank. I drank a lot. And it wasn’t because I drank beer.
After drinking several beers, I found myself taking swigs straight of of a Jack Daniels bottle.
I don’ t even know whose whiskey it was, but I drank it anyway. Even worse I became “that guy” at the party that was going up to everyone and soliciting them to take swigs with me.
By 11:00 PM I was so drunk that I could barely talk and ended up passing out in my bed with friends still there.
The next day I was completely hung over and didn’t get out of bed until 4:00 PM. Mandy had to tell our kids that daddy was sick and that’s why I was still in bed.
Embarrassed Christian
Ephesians 5:18
18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit.
After that night I started doing some serious soul searching. I was supposed to be this great Christian and yet the only thing that all these people would remember about me…was not my evangelism, but how I was the stupid drunk chugging Jack Daniels.
I was embarrassed.
I was embarrassed for my kids. I was embarrassed for my wife. I was embarrassed for Jesus.
The Challenge
I prayed for forgiveness. I prayed for understanding of why I felt that was necessary to get drunk in front of all of our friends.
I needed to prove to myself that I could go out with friends and not need to drink alcohol.
That’s when I approached my wife with the idea which she was immediately all about.
How did the challenge go? Be sure to check out the podcast to find out. 🙂
This is the first time I am stopping by to read this new blog. I wanted to let you all know that I started the Capital One Savings Account with you last year and give you an update. I have spent the year purging things that we don’t want/use and saving the money. I am so excited to tell you that we will be traveling to Hawaii this summer with that saved money! And, to top it off, we have a bit left over in the account to start saving for another vacation! Thank you for the inspiration. As for this post, my husband and I were not raised as Christians. We were saved at age 30 – after we had been married for 3 years and had a new baby. As a hard core college partier I had my share of drunken nights. God has taken away that desire completely. I have not had a drink in 14 years and I don’t miss it one but. I do see that our friends who get together and drink put their marriages at risk. Poor choices are made when drinking is involved. I can attest to that(: Congratulations on your decision and I will tell you that I have had the most fun in my life as a proud sober Southern Baptist! Blessings! Susan
Awesome news!!! Thanks for sharing!