Yes, we’re recording in our bedroom. No, this isn’t what you think, lol. As a family of 6 it’s hard to find time to record a weekly podcast so…..we decided to try and record while we were laying in bed before we go to sleep. Warning: it does get a little “batty” at times as we reflect back on our weekend of visiting a pumpkin patch.
Let’s just start with the big issue of today’s episode. It cost $18 for our kids to ride the camel at the pumpkin patch and we actually paid for it. Like for reals. In the words of Mandy, “that does not make good financial cents”.
We’re recapping our full family experience from a Saturday at the pumpkin patch. If you have not taken three boys and one Nella to the pumpkin patch then you are missing out. What an experience.
Tune in while we’re online shopping and laughing a lot about tootsie rolls during today’s episode.
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