It’s never too late to start the process of falling in love again. There’s a way to change and restore that love that may seem lost.
It’s not about going back to what you had before, it’s about moving forward and finding a new love in each other.
When you’re ready to move ahead and fall back in love with your spouse. Start with the small things, they add up to be the big things. We’ve outlined five easy ways you can rekindle the romance, connect deeply and have a little fun:
1. Pay attention to your spouse.
Are you watching TV Monday through Sunday night and while there’s nothing wrong with crashing on the couch after a long day of work, have you had an actual conversation lately? Turn off the TV every now and again and play a board game, ride bikes, crash at a happy hour and rediscover what it’s like to talk with each other again. You might just remember why you fell in love with each other in the first place.
2. Share new experiences
A few years ago we created a bucket list of MUST-DO things together. We included short term ideas and goals like taking a 2 week RV trip and longer projects like starting a business together or giving a presentation together. This bucket list has helped us dream together and work towards these goals, together. What’s on your bucket list as a couple?
3. Be affectionate – physically and verbally
Perhaps it’s time to shake up your sex schedule. If you wait until the end of the night when the kids are finally in bed, it’s likely that you’ll be falling asleep long before you get to it. Try mixing things up with alternative times like a Sunday afternoon or during a lunch hour. But first, let’s start with a simple hug… when was the last time you even touched your spouse more than just a brush by while rushing out the door? Physical affection is a quick means for making your marriage more.
4. Schedule a weekly date night
Get a babysitter and hit your favorite eats for some quality time together. It’s a proven fact that couples who spend uninterrupted time together have better communication and stronger feelings of commitment (Hello! Winner!). Whether you’re using the ole paper and pen or an ical on your iphone, get together and put some dates on the calendar. To top it off, here’s our perfect date checklist because more than making dating a priority, how can you make sure your date is beneficial and the best it can be?
We’ve got a checklist – because y’all know how much I love my lists!
5. Cut the worrying, relationships go through seasons
Are you consumed with worrying if you’ll ever “get that feeling” again? Start being realistic about relationship highs and lows, we are go through seasons. If you’re focused on what’s wrong instead of bringing your best self to your marriage, that’s a good recipe for failure.
How do you rekindle the love when one wants a divorce and the other doesn’t and you two are living sperately?