We’re back….
Many of you have been following along with us on our journey of “how we make money blogging”. We truly have enjoyed getting to know so many of you and hearing your awesome stories of how you turned your blog into a business! Unfortunately, we felt the nudge to take this blog in a new direction.
No hard feelings? We still love the idea of helping others…we just want to help others in a different way.
As we announce in this episode, we no longer be talking about how to make money blogging. Nope.
So what will we be talking about?
A topic that is near and dear to our hearts, marriage.
We hope that you will be as excited as we are and enjoy our introductory episode to the “new” Dollars and Roses podcast.
Are you interested in making your marriage more? If so, then have a listen.
Our show is live in iTunes! Click HERE to Subscribe to Our Show.
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