Being gentle in your marriage is easy at times and feels impossible at other times. Here’s what we’ve learned on being gentle to each other through the good and bad times.
What does gentleness mean? Here’s our definition: Loving and respecting your spouse with an even temper and having strength under control.
Married or not, gentleness is something that in every relationship we all could use a little practice at. In this episode we’re talking through five ways that you can practice gentleness in your marriage:
Remain even tempered in the hard moments || You might have to step out of the room and cool off before things get out of control and you’re “going at it” with your spouse.
Speak the truth in love || Talk through the topics that are “hot buttons” with grace and love… having a soft tone and in a tender way. It’s not always what you say but how you say it that matters.
Offer a hug when your spouse messes up instead of scolding them like a parent would scold a child || Plain and simple, you can practice this one today.
Honor the freewill of your spouse, but don’t join in just to make them happy || It’s ok to set boundaries and have expectations about how your spouse spends free time and who they spend it with. And it’s also ok to not always join in on leisurely activities each of you participate in.
Have a common understanding that gentleness remains ever-present even when it’s not talked about || Having a common understanding that gentleness is there for whatever situations come in the future is a key piece to making your marriage more.
Marriage More Podcast #11 – How the Rose’s Get Down With Their Money
You nailed it with number 2. We all have messed up with speaking the truth in love. This alone will be able to save you from the silent treatment and arguing in your relationship. I learned this years ago, but I had to learn the hard way. Going through your shortcomings will only make your relationship stronger. Great post Mandy.
Fritz Chery´s last blog post ..Dating And Relationships