Join us as we talk about how Mandy loves to be woken up at 3:30 am, gallery walls invading our living room floor and our kids desperate plea to play with every single friend every single day.
We’re back home from NYC and keepin’ it real talking about handing gallery walls in the stairwell and about well, child meltdowns. LAAWRDDD…. see example A below:
I won’t go into all the boring details of why the boys have made me feel like I need to get on medication today, but holy mother of meltdowns… Days like today knock me on my booty.
I’m sure it’s nothing y’all don’t deal with, but hello… Can we talk about how no child needs to ask 17 times if he can have a friend over before we even exit the school doors from pick up. Just no.
News flash children of mine…
We have four kids. So, no, we don’t need anymore grade schoolers up in here while I’m trying to juggle dinner, homework and showers. Plus? Play with your brothers. That’s a luxury I never had as an only child. It’s like having built-in friends. Or read a book. There’s an idea!
But whatever you do… DO NOT ask me if the first random person you see getting picked up at the same time as you from school can come over and play. I promise you I’m cool, but I have a quota on how many kids I can tolerate on weekdays. And unfortunately, our family already fills that quota. Find a new question. #rantover #oneofthosedays#faceplant #tomorrowisnew
It’s a lot to get the little ones home, fed, baths, lunches made for the next day… and all that. It’s time consuming. There’s no time for friends over during the week – can I get an amen?
Add in the whole idea that our kids are smart enough to ask one parent and when the don’t get the answer they want… they ask the other! Brilliant on their part, but that’s straight grounds for a marriage argument in 3…2…1…. Boom.
What’s your ground rules for kids friends coming over and sleepovers? It’s easy to feel guilty for saying no, but we know we’ve got to do what’s best for our family.
We’ve launched our latest Facebook Group centered all around marriage. It’s a community that’s a safe place where couples can go to find some encouragement and support. Have you joined in yet?
P.S. – We’ve been Facebook Live(ing) this podcast which you can see here.
You are hilarious. Love your home, and the kids. Lol.
My littles are still in toddler/baby stage, so I can’t even fathom adding a whole ‘nother child (that isn’t even mine) into the mix of already-craziness. Glad I’ve got a few more years before all that. But I am already with you on the “mom said no, dad will say yes” brilliance of children. My 2-year-old already knows to bring candy/sweets to Daddy and not Mommy. #hesnodummy