Praise: To express warm approval or admiration of someone or something.
Hands up if you can actually remember the last time you praised your husband. Anybody’s hands up? Ya, mine either.
So gather around, lock yourself in the bathroom away from your children who are demanding attention, do whatever you got to do to steal 3 minutes and keep reading on!
It’s easy to just flat out forget to praise your husband. Guilty here.
It’s easy to avoid praising your husband because they have hurt you and if feels like “he doesn’t deserve it“. Again, guilty.
And it’s certainly easier to not try to praise your husband because reality is this stuff takes work and effort…. and if you’re like me, a million other things are drawing for my attention each day.
Praising your husband on a consistent basis will do two main things that will not only build him up, but will transform your marriage from negative to positive.
First? Praising your husband will encourage him to feel empowered.
Second? Praising your husband will help you to feel more positive about him, the decisions he makes and how he leads you and your family. WINNER.
I’ve rounded up five easy ways for you to praise your husband as a starting point.
1. Leave him an “I love you” in lipstick on his bathroom mirror
Pull out that bright red lipstick and leave a simple love note on the bathroom mirror for him to be surprised with as he gets out of the shower in the morning.
I love this one because it’s unexpected and a great way to start your day off on the right foot.
2. Send him an unexpected text during the day
It’s the little things that matter…. and sometimes when a busy day turns into a bad day? A simple text can help show your hubs that you love and support him.
Bonus points if you include a silly selfie of you and the kids having a great day.
*Note: Do NOT include a silly selfie of you being stressed out while the kids misbehave. You want to ENCOURAGE him, not make him feel like you are complaining.
3. Show up at his work just to give him a connected kiss
Talk about making all the other men at the office jealous! Crash in on his workday with a coffee in hand for him and give him a kiss.
When he asks why you’re there, just say “because I love you”.
4. Make a list of 10 things you admire about him and read it out loud to him
A lot of times it’s hard to communicate all the things you love about your man, so here’s a trick… keep a running list on your iPhone (or mobile device if you aren’t Apple obsessed like me) and when you hit 10 reasons… read them out loud to him over dinner or during you “catch me up chat” during your Love Habits time.
Whether your list is silly things like “I love you because you don’t leave the toilet seat up.” Or more romantic compliments like “I love how committed you are to our relationship and continually take time out to make us a priority.” – He will certainly appreciate all the effort that goes into making the list.
5. Ask him on a date and take him to his favorite restaurant (even if its wing night and you hate wings)
Drop the little ones off at Gigi’s, get a babysitter, do whatever you got to do so you can get some alone time with your husband.
Even more, make a reservation to eat at HIS favorite place. I promise greasy wings won’t kill you for one night.
Comment below with the best ways you’ve found to praise your husband!
Pictures by Savanna Kathleen Photography
Adore this post, Mandy! You know I’m all about those strong marriages. XO
I love to include an encouraging note in Jason’s lunchbox that he takes to work. Once I went awhile without putting a note in his lunch and he sweetly said “Honey, I really like those notes you used to write me…do you think you could start doing that again?” Um, yes, stud muffin. Yes I can. 😉
Jason and I have also had seasons of emailing each other. Just sending a quick “hello” and “I love you” with a conversation starter question like “If you could only listen to one song the rest of your life, what would it be?” Hoping to email with him on the regular again soon.
Thanks for sharing!
Laura´s last blog post ..Hope for the Restless + Worn Out
Loved this! Happily I can say that I just praised my husband the other day, and left him a note. With five kids under 9 it can be easy to loose track of each other but we work hard to make it happen. We go on a date every month (doesn’t seem like a lot but it’s so important) and every two years we go on a getaway vacation without the kids. It has made such a difference in our marriage. Not only does it refresh and invigorate our marriage it sets a great example for the kids, they know our relationship is important. PS It’s also important to praise your husband to others and while we all need to vent at times try not to get sucked into the “my husband is so terrible…” conversations 😉
Prairie Wife´s last blog post ..A Few Words About the Duggar Family
These are such good reminders. I love list idea of things you like about him. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Mandy,
I love this! For my husband, he loves it when I make a special effort to make something really delicious for dinner. I mean, if food and eating was a love language, it would be his #1.
I like your idea of keeping a running list. I’m going to try that!
Vanessa´s last blog post ..Maintaining Independence in your Marriage